IKCContext Interface
- GetParamCount
- SetIntParam
- GetDoubleParam
- SetDoubleParam
- GetBoolParam
- SetBoolParam
- GetStringParam
- SetStringParam
- GetParam
- SetParam
Manages parameters of a context. Contexts are data structures used to store
or pass parameters to methods where usage of normal method parameters is
difficult or not possible. An example is the
State of 3DBugger
Context of a 2DView can be acquired with a call to
See also: IKCContext2, Interface List
HRESULT GetParamCount(int type, int* count)
type - [in] Type of parameter. Valid
options are enumerated in EKCType
count - [out, retval] the returned
- Remarks:
If type parameter is set to eKCTypeNULL total count
of parameters of all types in the context is returned.
HRESULT GetIntParam(int id, int *val)
id - [in] 0-based index in array of
integer parameters of the context
val - [out, retval] The returned
value of the parameter
- Remarks:
Returns id-th integer parameters in the context. The method
fails if id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKCTypeLong)
HRESULT SetIntParam(int id, int val)
id -[in] 0-based index into array of integer parameters of the context
val - [in] new value of the parameter
- Remarks:
Modifies id-th integer parameters in the context. The method
fails if id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKCTypeLong)
HRESULT GetDoubleParam(int id, double *val)
id - [in] 0-based index in array of
double parameters of the context
val - [out, retval] The returned
value of the parameter
- Remarks:
Returns id-th idouble parameters in the context. The method
fails if id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKDDouble)
HRESULT SetDoubleParam(int id, double val)
id - [in] 0-based index in array of
double parameters of the context
val - [in] new value of the parameter
- Remarks:
Modifies id-th idouble parameters in the context. The method
fails if id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKDDouble).
HRESULT GetBoolParam(int id, VARIANT_BOOL *val)
id - [in] 0-based index in array of
Boolean parameters of the context
val - [out, retval] The returned
value of the parameter
- Remarks:
Returns id-th Boolean parameters in the context. The method
fails if id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKCTypeBool, count)
HRESULT SetBoolParam(int id, VARIANT_BOOL val)
id - [in] 0-based index in array of
Boolean parameters of the context
val - [out, retval] The returned
value of the parameter
- Remarks:
Modifies id-th Boolean parameters in the context. The method
fails if id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKCTypeBool).
HRESULT GetStringParam(int id, BSTR *val)
id - [in] 0-based index in array of
string parameters of the context
val - [out, retval] The returned
value of the parameter
- Remarks:
Returns id-th string parameters in the context. The method
fails if id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKDString)
HRESULT SetStringParam(int id, char *val)
id - [in] 0-based index in array of
string parameters of the context
val - [in] new value of the parameter
- Remarks:
Modifies id-th string parameters in the context. The method
fails if id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKDString)
HRESULT GetParam(int id, VARIANT *param)
id - [in] 0-based index in array of
all parameters of the context
param- [out, retval] The returned value of
the parameter
- Remarks:
Returns id-th parameters in the context. The method fails if
id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKCTypeNULL)
HRESULT SetParam(int id, VARIANT *param)
id - [in] 0-based index in array of
all parameters of the context
param - [in] new value of the parameter
- Remarks:
Modifies id-th parameters in the context. The method fails if
id is greater or equal to count retuned by GetParamCount(EKCType.eKCTypeNULL)